For each book, a volume discount is available on orders of 25+ books. Contact GTB for details.
the uncommon millionaire - $13.99
Do you dream about creating a better financial life? Stop dreaming and start acting. The Uncommon Millionaire reveals a small-town boy’s journey from the North Carolina tobacco fields to achieving millionaire status in his late 30’s.
This workbook provides practical advice and worksheets to assist in your race toward financial fitness. Let’s begin the process of helping you save more, reduce debt, improve cash flow, dispel financial myths, live debt-free, organize your finances, adjust financial behaviors, and make your money behave. To download worksheets to Google drive, click here. For Excel version, click here. Software coming soon!
money $mart teens - $19.99 (Most Popular)
This book is designed to help students establish a strong foundation in financial literacy. Each of the lessons will challenge, educate and equip youth with the necessary tools to enhance their financial fitness.
Contact GTB for case shipments of 25 or more. Remember to add the facilitator guide to your purchase when teaching in a group setting.
money $mart teens, Facilitator guide - $24.99 $19.99
This facilitator guide is designed to assist parents, teachers, and organizations which strive to impact the development of today’s youth as they establish a strong foundation in financial literacy.
Game On – A Financial Fitness Experience (online course) - $150.00
This 15-lesson, step-by-step series, enjoyed in the comfort and privacy of your own home, can help you create a simple and easy to duplicate financial system that produces the predictable results you desire. Save 50% when you enroll today by using the discount code save50percent.
For teens: cash rules everything around me
Give teens the gift of financial intelligence – understanding basic terminology, knowing the difference between credit, income and wealth, and creating spending plans.
Receive insight, tools and guidance focused on your financial goals
“First, I have to say that Al’s program is simple and consist of a lot of common sense. He helped me really realize where my money was going and where it should be going. As a result, I decided to set a plan. I have cut up my credit cards. I am living by a true budget. My spending is more controlled. I am still a “work” in progress ... Thanks so much for the knowledge and advice. Now it’s up to me to make it happen! ONE DAY, DEBT FREE WILL BE ME!”