How Happy Are You?

Most people, in general, want to live long and live well. Longevity probably has more to do with what is at the end of your fork or spoon. Mix in a little daily exercise and you may discover your personal fountain of youth. On the other hand, living well is a phrase many people use, but its actual definition often depends on the person. For example, what does living well mean to you? Ask a family member or your best friend the same question and their answer may differ greatly.

The World Happiness Report 2021 ranks Finland as the happiest country in the world. It highlights six significant factors which contribute to happiness: gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, social support, life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity, and corruption levels. Gross domestic product is the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year. Although the United States has the highest GDP in the world at approximately $20 trillion, it ranks 19 on the survey of happiest countries.

On an individual basis, earning above $60,000 to $75,000 per year in income would not achieve a higher level of emotional well-being according to a Purdue University study. To put it another way, millionaires and billionaires may not be happier than you are at this moment. They have more money and wealth, so people assume they have a happier life. Not true!

 If you’d like to improve your personal happiness score, implement the following tips:

  • Spend more time with people you love and who love you in return - In today’s high-tech world, this can be done virtually with ease; however, there’s much to be said for personal human-to-human interaction.

  • Allow time for yourself – If you like to read, write poetry, watch movies, hike, go to the gym, or volunteer, do more of it.

  • Be kind to others – The world would be a very different place if people treated others the way they wanted to be treated.

  • Gain some form of independence – Your first true taste of being independent usually happens when you start living on your own without any assistance from your parents. If you require minimal supervision on your job because you are a master at your craft, that’s another form of independence. Managing your money in a way that allows you to save, invest, spend, and give can also lead to financial independence.

Your desired level of happiness is up to you. Because you can’t go to a store and purchase happiness by the pound, it’s something you have to strive to achieve on a daily basis. Nobody can do it for you.

May the rest of your life be the happiest ever!