9 Ways to Feel Richer

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It is a common belief that financial planners consider the rich as people having $5 million in net worth. However, the numerical classification of rich does not automatically mean someone’s quality of life is rich. 

Most people reading this may not ever qualify as being rich from a financial perspective, but that doesn’t mean you can’t feel rich. Here are 9 ways you can begin your journey to feeling rich:

Share new experiences with loved ones – If you’re somewhat adventurous, locate your nearest park and make plans to bathe in nature while exploring a hiking trail. Don’t forget to pack a picnic basket for lunch.

Practice random acts of kindness – Doing something for someone who could not do anything for you in return allows you to practice generosity.

Have more meaningful conversations with friends – Discussions within your circle of influence should not involve more complaints about what’s wrong with the world; instead, try to propose solutions to make things better.

Accomplish a goal – Remember the thing you’ve been saying you’re going to get around to? Do it. Time is a precious commodity so make the most of it.

Revisit moments of joy – Those pictures on your smartphone that you hardly ever look at are a good place to start. If you’re more seasoned in age, track down some old photo albums and reminisce about the old days.  

Call an old friend or acquaintance – Remember the last time you heard from someone you hadn’t spoken to in years? That feeling of reconnection probably made your day. Nothing is preventing you from reliving that moment, so call the people you thought of while reading this. (Sending a text message does not count).

Read more – Reading a good book will allow you to go on an emotional journey within the comfort of your own home. If you enjoy sci-fi, mystery, fantasy, or non-fiction, turn to page one and begin.

Engage in arts and crafts – Who cares if you aren’t good at something as long as you feel good doing it? If you like the way painting or learning how to play an instrument makes you feel, do more of it.

Dance like nobody’s watching – Express yourself in any way you see fit. If you’re a little offbeat, who cares? The world would be boring if everyone could do something as well as the next person.